How to Setup Email Alerts

Email alerts allow AI and motion events to be emailed to your email address once an event is triggered. Email Setup will be dependent on your specific email provider. In this example, we will be using Gmail. You will need to access your camera through the web user interface. For more information on how to access your camera on a computer through the web UI, click here.

Note: You can also set up email alerts using the Amcrest View Pro app on your mobile device. For more information on how to set up email alerts in Amcrest View Pro, click here.

Once logged into the web UI, navigate to the Setup button in the upper right, and then select "Network" from the newly shown list of options to the left. Click on SMTP (Email) located in the Network menu.


Select your email provider from the list provided. This will automatically generate the SMTP server address, authentication, and Port number for your email server.



Authentication: SSL

Port: 465

Username*This should be your gmail email address

Password: *This should be your gmail password

Sender: *This should be your gmail email address as shown above

Subject: Enter your subject line here. (Ensure attachment is checked so that you get snapshots in your email.)

Recipients: Enter the email address you would like to receive notifications at here and push the + icon to add it to the recipient list. You must have added at least one email in this field to receive a notification. We recommend at least adding the sender address previously entered in the above field. 

Interval: This Interval value determines the time in between emails you will receive for motion detection alerts. (Longer intervals will make it so that you do not get spammed emails constantly.)

Keep Alive: This is a periodic email update from the camera set at different intervals defaulted at 60 seconds. This email alert will generate an update from the camera notifying you it’s still connected. If you were to not receive these emails the camera has lost connection with the network it’s connected to. (If you are receiving too many emails this is likely the cause, as Keep-Alive should be unchecked if you do not wish to receive health updates from the camera every 1-3600 seconds.) 

Once done click "Save" and leave the window open as we must enable a setting in Gmail before continuing with the test email. 

Allowing Less Secure Apps

For this next step please navigate to and login with your sender account information. 
Once logged into Gmail you will need to navigate to the account setting by following these steps.
1.) Click the account avatar/icon picture located in the upper right of the window.
2.) Now click the blue button that says "My Account".


Once on the account setting page please click "Sign-in and Security".


Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the slider for the "Allow Less Secure Apps" section so that it is blue and says "On" to the left. 


With this selected you must now go back to the tab that we set up the Amcrest camera alerts in. In this window, we may now test our email setting by clicking the "Email Test" button as shown below. 


If the email test is successful, you will then just need to enable email notifications to be sent upon motion detection. Navigate to “Event” on the left side, then select “Video Detection”. On this screen, ensure “Send Email” is checked along with “Snapshot” and click Save.

Other email SMTP server Information provided below:

During the email setup, you will need to enter the SMTP server information that corresponds to the email service that you use. Please check out this chart below to see a list of the most popular email service providers, the encryption protocols that they use, as well as the ports that correspond to those encryption methods. Listed below are a few of the common providers. 

has the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 465 with SSL encryption and port 587 with TLS encryption. Please note that with Gmail you will need to allow less secure apps to connect in the Gmail account options. 
For details on allowing less secure apps to connect see Option 2 in this link.

Microsoft Live & Hotmail have the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 25 with TLS encryption, port 465 with SSL encryption, and 587 with TLS encryption. 

 has the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 465 with SSL encryption, and port 587 with TLS encryption. For more information on how to set up email alerts using Yahoo mail, click here

 has the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 465 with SSL encryption, and port 587 with TLS encryption. 
Note: If your email service provider is not included in this list, you can simply Google the following and find the information you need: "*email provider* + SMTP + setup". 

If your email information is not listed above, please use this link for a list of more common SMTP email settings.

For further assistance, you may submit a ticket via the button below the comments on this page or you may contact us at 888-212-7538.

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