How To Add a Device Into Surveillance Pro.
To provide the highest efficiency and security when adding a device into the Amcrest Surveillance Pro software it is highly recommended to add the device using a direct IP address as opposed to using a P2P connection. Using a direct IP provides a direct connection to your device without having to use a P2P server.
Direct IP Connection
To begin adding a camera, you will need the IP address of the device. To obtain the IP address for your device, it is recommended to download the Amcrest IP Config tool. To get the Amcrest IP Config tool, go to and click on the IP Config software link for either PC/Windows or Mac OS. Launch the IP Config tool and locate the IP address for your device. The IP address will be listed in the IP field of the software.
After locating the IP address of the device using the Amcrest IP Config tool, return to the Amcrest Surveillance Pro software and access the Devices menu. and click on the Add button.
In the add menu, enter a name you would like to assign to your device. In this example, we are using “Front Door Camera”. Next, in the Modify Device menu, use the default setting “IP/Domain (Recommended)” option and enter the IP address of the device. As a reminder, the IP and port number of the device can be located in the IP Config software. The group name will then be applied as Default Group, then enter the user name and password for your device. If this is the first time using your device, the default username and password will be admin. Click the Save to proceed.
Once the device has been properly added the added device will appear in the Device menu.
If the device is properly connected, you will notice a icon in the Online Status field. If the device is not connected properly, click on the online status will be red. To modify settings for your device, click on the icon located in the Operation menu. This menu allows the user to rename the camera as well as change port numbers, usernames, and passwords. To update the password, remove the default password and type the new password in this field. When done, click Save.
Setting a Device to a Static IP
For security purposes, it is highly recommended to set the camera to a static IP address. Setting your device to a static IP will ensure the stability and the efficiency of your device while operating it in the Amcrest Surveillance Pro software. To set your device to a static IP, click on the Home Page icon and navigate to the Device CFG menu.
In the Device Group menu, select the device, then in the device configuration menu, select Network and click on TCP/IP.
In the TCP/IP menu, click on the Static button in the Mode section. Click Save.
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