How To Add An Axis Camera Into The Amcrest Cloud

The Amcrest Cloud offers several ways to add your third party camera, such as an Axis camera to your cloud account. These methods include; AVHS, which is an automated setup without any port forwarding or Auto Setup, which requires port forwarding your Axis camera. For more information on how to setup a Axis camera in the cloud please refer to the information provided below. 

Note: Axis Companion line cameras are not supported. Additionally, multi-camera/sensor models will only show one stream and not multiple streams at once, for example, Axis model Q6000-E. 

Axis AVHS Setup

Before setting up your camera using this method, it is recommended to use the Axis IP Utility to locate your device. Take note of your MAC address which you'll find on the camera.  Also find your OAK. This typically comes on a separate piece of paper in the camera box. If you can't find your OAK see this article.

Note: You must enable AVHS (or One-click cloud connection) either in the Network menu (firmware 11+) or System tab (previous firmware) or TCP/IP settings (old firmware) to “Always”. Click Save.

Step 1: Access your Axis camera in a web browser. Click System and access the Network tab. Locate the One-click cloud connection section and ensure the Allow O3C option is set to Always. Click Save. 


Note: If your Axis AVHS camera was set up with another service provider before, you may need to contact your original service provider to unregister your camera with the Axis servers.
- Specifically, go into your Camera Settings -> System Options -> Advanced -> Plain Config. Then select group RemoteService.  
- If the Server List variable points to your old service provider's domain even after deleting the camera from their service and resetting your camera, you will need to contact the provider directly to get them to correctly unregister your camera with the Axis servers.

Step 2: Navigate to your cloud account and click Add Camera. Select Axis from the camera type dropdown menu, click Next. 


Step 3: Enter the serial number and OAK number into the Network tab and click Next.


Step 4: Edit any settings in the settings tab and click Finish to complete the process.


Axis Auto Setup (with port forwarding)

If you do not have AVHS available then you can still set your camera up in the cloud using port forwarding. This procedure requires port forwarding certain ports to allow the camera to become externally accessible. 

Note: Axis firmware 5.0+ only supported but 5.5+ recommended. Axis cameras with firmware 5.0-5.4 are only capable of image snapshots.

Step 1: Navigate to your cloud account and click Add Camera. Select Axis from the camera type dropdown menu, click Next. 


Step 2: Add in your camera's username, password, IP address, HTTP(S) and RTSP ports. This means both your RTSP and HTTP(S) ports need be forwarded on your router. Once you have an Axis camera on your network, you can find the IP address. Click Next


Note: To enable HTTPS on an Axis camera, go to Advanced TCP/IP settings and ensure the HTTPS port is set to whatever you like (default 443).  To enable HTTPS go to System Options -> Security -> HTTPS.  Use "client: for the certificate". Change administrator to use HTTPS only or HTTP & HTTPS.  Now it can be added using HTTPS.

Edit any settings in the settings tab and click Finish to complete the process.


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