How To Add Your Amcrest Wi-Doorbell Camera Into Amcrest Surveillance Pro (AD110)
Amcrest Smart Home devices, such as the Wi-Fi doorbell camera, can be added to Amcrest Surveillance Pro software. Amcrest Surveillance Pro is free software, provided by Amcrest, which allows you to access all your Amcrest devices in one central location on your PC or Mac computer. For more information on how to get Amcrest Surveillance Pro to click here.
The doorbell must be set up first using the Amcrest Smart Home app before adding it to any additional software. For more information on how to add your device to the Amcrest Smart Home app, click here.
Note: The doorbell and the computer you are using must be on the same network during setup.
Adding the Doorbell into Surveillance Pro
Step 1: Open and log into the Amcrest Surveillance Pro software.
Step 2: Open the Devices menu and click on "Add".
Step 3: Use the Amcrest IP Config tool to locate the IP address for your device from the network. To download the Amcrest IP Config tool, click here
Note: The IP address for your device can also be found by using the Amcrest Smart Home app. To access the IP address for your device, log into your account on your Amcrest Smart Home app and select your doorbell from the Devices menu. Tap on the Settings icon ( ) and tap Device Information.
Scroll down until you see the field labeled " IP Address". This will be the IP address for your device.
Note: The device can be added using the P2P method (using the device's serial number) however, for optimal use it is highly recommended to use the IP/Domain connection type when connecting your Amcrest Smart Home device to Amcrest Surveillance Pro.
Step 4: In Amcrest Surveillance Pro, give your device a name and then enter the IP address for the device in the IP Address field
Enter the username and password for your device and then press the "Add" button when you are finished. The device has now been successfully added to the Amcrest Surveillance Pro software. Ensure the Online Status is green indicating the device is properly connected.
Step 5: Navigate to the Live View option and locate the newly added device in the assigned Group menu. Double click the doorbell to view the live feed.
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