The camera can be manually rotated or adjusted to different positions or angles to fit your needs. Please note, a Phillips head screwdriver will be needed to make the adjustments. For more information on how to rotate or adjust the camera please refer to the information provided below.
Step 1: Locate the set screw, use a Phillips head screwdriver to loosen the screw.
Note: Be sure to hold the camera as the camera may become loose after loosening the set screw .
Step 2: The camera will then be able to rotate. Hold the camera at the sleeve and twist to the required position (you may hear or feel clicking as you rotate.
Step 3: Rotate the camera at the ball joint to make any further adjustments.
Step 4: Once in the desired position, use a Phillip had screwdriver to tighten the set screw. Do not overtighten the screw however make sure enough pressure is applied to secure the device into place.
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