How To Format a MicroSD Card

This article highlights how to properly format a microSD card using a Windows-based operating system. If you are using a Mac OS and would like more information on how to properly format your microSD card click here.

To format a microSD card for your device, you will need to access the user interface (web UI) for your device via laptop or PC. For more information on accessing your device's web UI, please click here.

Once you have accessed and logged into your web UI, please follow the step-by-step instructions below to complete the format process. 

NOTE: Once you have completed the format process, all data will be lost for the microSD card. 

Step 1: Locate the microSD slot on your device and insert the microSD card into the slot. 

NOTE: Some microSD card slots may be located on the motherboard of the device. 

Step 2: After locating and inserting the microSD card into your device, please verify the microSD card is working properly. To access your microSD settings in the web UI, go to, Setup>Storage>Destination> SD Card.

Step 3: The microSD card should be recognized and named by the camera. If working properly it should say Normal. If it says anything other than Normal, the card must be formatted. If the card is not recognizing then it will most likely be a faulty SD card.

Step 4: If your microSD card is being read properly by your device, press format and the camera will do the remaining process itself.


Step 5: Once the format process has been initiated, your device will then begin to reboot. 


Step 6: Once the camera has completed its reboot process, please log back into the web UI and access your microSD card information. The microSD card should be cleared and properly formatted and this point and ready for use. 

How To Externally Format a MicroSD card 

If you are unable to format your microSD card via the web UI you can also format it using the GUI format tool provided in the link below. 

Note: A microSD adapter or USB microSD card reader will be required to read the MicroSD card on your computer. 

Step 1: Download and load the GUI Format Tool. 

Step 2: Insert your SD card into your computer and allow the program to read the card. 


Note: Uncheck the Quick Format checkbox if you would like a full format of the SD card. Formatting the SD card will remove all information and data from the card and format the card to FAT32. 

Step 3: Click Start in the FAT32 Format menu and allow the program to format the card. Click OK to continue. 

  • image4.PNG

 Step 4: Allow the program to finish formatting the SD card. When finished, click the Close button to close the program. 


The microSD card has now been properly formatted to FAT32. Remove the microSD card and insert it into your device. 

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