Having Troubles Setting Up With Your Original Chime?

Having Troubles Setting Up With Your Original Chime?

The included Chime Kit for your doorbell is the key for properly linking the doorbell to your original chime system. If you are having trouble setting up the included Chime Kit or the Amcrest WiFi doorbell itself please click here. to access our quick start/instructional guides. For additional assistance please view the instructional video provided below:

After the Chime Kit and doorbell have been properly installed you must make sure to link your Chime Kit to the doorbell. This is done via the "Amcrest Chimes" option available in the Amcrest Smart Home app. The Amcrest Chimes menu provides the option to link your Chime Kit and doorbell to your original chime system. The Amcrest Chimes option is available during the initial setup of the doorbell as well as in the Device Information menu after setup is complete. 

The Amcrest WiFi doorbell and Chime Kit are compatible with either mechanical or electronic (digital) chimes. To access the Amcrest Chimes menu to link the Chime Kit and doorbell to your original chime system please follow the steps provided below.

Step 1: Log into your Amcrest Smart Home app and select your doorbell from the Devices menu. Tap on the Settings icon menu ( mceclip0.png ) to access the Device Information menu.


Step 2: Tap on "Amcrest Chimes". 


Step 3: Tap on "Link Digital/Mechanical Chime"and select whether the doorbell is linking to a Mechanical or Digital chime system.


Note: The Amcrest WiFi doorbell can only link up to either a digital or mechanical chime. It can not link to to both systems at the same time. 

For a more in depth look on how to properly set up your doorbell in the Amcrest Smart Home app please click here or view the instructional video below: 

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