How To Revert To a Previous Version of Firefox
To use the Firefox web browser with your device a previous version, such as 49.0.2. is recommended. You can download the previous version of Firefox by clicking here.
A previous version of Firefox for Mac users can be found by clicking here.
To revert to this version, click on the .exe file provided and then click “Run” to begin downloading.
The file will then begin to extract the setup Wizard. Click Next to continue the process.
Choose the type of setup you prefer. There are two types of setup, Standard and Custom. In this case, it is recommended to run the standard setup since it is the most common. This is selected by default in the wizard. To continue, click the Next button.
The wizard will then prompt you to install the software onto your computer. Click the Install button to install the browser.
When the installation is complete, click on the finish button to automatically launch the browser.
A shortcut icon will also be displayed on your desktop for quick access to the browser if necessary.
Preventing Automatic Updates
Once the browser has finished loading, it is recommended to make sure that no future automatic updates are applied to the browser. If an automatic update were to occur, the browser will revert to the most current version of the FireFox web browser which will prevent the use of plugins on your browser. To prevent automatic updates from occurring, please refer to the following:
In the web browser, click on the settings menu located at the top of the screen. Then in the settings menu, click on the Options icon.
In the options menu, click on Advanced and then click on the Update tab. In the update tab, select the Never check for updates radio button. This will deactivate your browser from obtaining any future updates of the browser.
How to Access the Web User Interface Using Firefox
Before accessing your device using Mozilla Firefox, ensure you are using the correct version of Firefox. As discussed previously, later versions of Firefox may prevent the use of plugins which are needed to access your device.
Verify the Correct Version of Firefox is Being Used
To verify the correct version is being used, click on the settings menu located at the top of your screen and click on the help
menu at the bottom of the settings menu.
In the help menu, select About Firefox
The version being used will be displayed in the About Mozilla Firefox menu as displayed in the image below.
It is recommended to use version 49.0.2. Do not click on Restart Firefox to Update. This will update the browser and cause the plugins not to work on the browser.
Accessing the Web User Interface
To access the web user interface, locate the IP address for your device using the Amcrest IP Config Tool. The Amcrest IP Config Tool can be downloaded at the following web page:
In the All Downloads menu, click on IP Config Software to begin the free download. Once the download has completed installing, locate the IP address associated with the device you would like to view in the browser.
Enter this IP address into the Firefox web browser to load the web user interface.
In the web user interface, enter the login credentials for your device. If this is the first time accessing the device, the username and password will both be admin. Click on Login.
If this is the first-time logging into your device, you will be prompted to modify the password for your device. To modify the password, enter the new password you would like to use in the New Password field and confirm. The password used should be between 8 and 32 characters long with a combination of letters and numbers. Click Ok when done to log into the web user interface.
To view your device on the browser you will need to download the plugin. To download the plugin, click on the Please click here to download and install the plugin prompt in the middle of the screen.
Click on Save File to being downloading the plugin.
The webplugin.exe file will save to your downloads folder. To install the plugin, click on the downloads icon and click on the webplugin.exe to install the plugin on your computer.
After the web plugin has been installed, close out of the browser completely and then reopen the browser. Type in the IP address for your device into the browser and log into the web user interface with your device’s login credentials. Click on the Activate MMX icon in the middle of the screen to activate the plugin.
The browser will then need to run the MMX plugin. Click on Allow and Remember to allow the browser to run the MMX plugin.
The browser will then show the live feed of your connected device in the web user interface.
For more information on the web user interface and the features it provides, please refer to the user manual for your device. User manuals can be found at or on the original listing of your device.
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