WiFi Best Practices
1. Security: Securing passwords along with other data in need of protection.
- Changing the password of the camera will be crucial to securing your camera. Password must be at least 6 characters which can include numbers and letters. Cameras will not recognize symbols but does recognize between upper and lower case.
- Ability to change TCP, UDP, and HTTP ports for a more secure connection is recommended.
2. Speeds: Download speed is very important, but when it comes to IP cameras, upload speed plays a bigger part.
- For upload speed, it is recommendable to have 1.5 MB/s per camera to run at 1080P whereas a 4MP may require 3 MB/s updload speed.
- The higher the resolution the more upload speed it will require. Also, lower resolutions will require less.
- Please also consider how many other devices are in the location (network). This will also affect how well an IP camera will function.
3. Location: How far is the camera from the wireless router.
- Larger distances can be affected more by interference and be susceptible to connection issues.
- Actual distances can vary drastically by the type of router. If connection issues arise, then Wi-Fi extender should be considered. Also, when the initial setup is done, it is recommended to have it setup as a bridge connection and turn off any DHCP features on it. The actual setup is also different by brand. Please refer to their support and documentation for more information.
Range Limiting Factors
Reflection: The signal reflects back. |
Scattering: The signal scatters back into multiple new signals. |
Refraction: The signal bends as it travels through an object (e.g. glass window). | Diffraction: The signal changes direction as it passes around an object. | Attenuation: The signal strength weakens as it passes through an object. |
Wi-Fi signal strength decreases as it passes through different types of material. Try to position your wireless camera and receiver where the signal does not pass through metal or concrete blocks, which can significantly reduce signal strength (as shown in the information provided below).
Plastic & Wood: 10 - 30%
Brick: 30 - 50%
Concrete Cinder Blocks: 50 - 70%
Metal & Metal Cladding: 70 - 90%
Note: Signals that must pass through wet or moist materials (e.g. shrubs and trees) may be significantly reduced.
4. Camera Setup: Please verify that the camera is in the same network connection with device that is also doing the setup.
For example: If using a smartphone setup, then verify the phone is not on a cellular service. It must be using Wi-Fi connection of the network.
To prevent IP address from changing set IP address to Static.
5. Storage: Where to store footage along with other storage options.
- Maximum onboard SD card storage set at 32GB.
- Factors such as resolution, schedule, & activity will justify the memory use of the files being stored in the SD card.
- Formatting the SD card upon installation is recommended.
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