DDNS stands for dynamic DNS, or more specifically, dynamic Domain Name System. It's a service that maps internet domain names to IP addresses. It's a DDNS service that lets you access your device from anywhere in the world.
Note: Please make sure your device is connected to the internet to set it up using AmcrestDDNS.
To set up DDNS on your device, you will need to access the web user interface (web UI) for your device on a laptop or PC. For more information on how to access the web UI, click here
Step 1: To set up DDNS service you will need to port forward your device. For more information on how to port forward your device, click here
Step 2: After your device is port forwarded, navigate to the web UI and click on Setup>>Network>>DDNS, and enable DDNS service by clicking on the Type check box.
The DDNS provider will default as AMCREST DDNS, please leave this selection as AMCREST DDNS. Additionally, the server address will be www.amcrestddns.com.
Step 3: Enter a Domain Name. Please note, it is highly recommended to use a unique domain name when setting up DDNS as any common names such as "amcrest" "camera", etc. may not work as it is already being used by other devices.
Step 4: Click on Save to save the DDNS settings to your device.
Accessing the Device on DDNS
The DDNS address you will use to access your device will be formatted as follows in the web browser, "domainname.amcrestddns.com:port#" For instance, if you used "mycamera" as your domain name, and 37779 as the HTTP port number, the DDNS IP address used will be formatted as follows: "mycamera.amcrestddns.com:37779".
The update period for your DDNS service will be set to 10 minutes. It is recommended to leave this as 10 unless otherwise instructed. If the domain name entered does not work please enter a different domain name into the DDNS interface and try again.
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