How To Change Record Control Options Using the Auto Feature

The record control options allow your device to automatically overwrite or stop the recording of new information retained onto a microSD card. This is useful in maintaining the overall efficiency of your camera as well as in the rare case in which the stream is being lost. For more information on how to utilize this feature, refer to the information provided below. 

Step 1: Log in to the web user interface for your device on a laptop or computer. For more information on how to access the web user interface (web UI) for your device, click here.

Step 2: In the web UI, navigate to Setup>>Storage>>Record Control. 


Below is a description of the features listed in this menu: 

Pack Duration: This field allows the user to set the length, in minutes, of each file.
Pre-event Record: This field allows the user to specify how many seconds before an event should be recorded.

Disk Full: This dropdown box allows the user to designate what the camera should do when the disk is full. There are 2 options: Overwrite or Stop

Record Mode: This set of radio buttons allows the user to designate the recording mode. The
options are Auto, Manual, and Off.
Record Stream: This dropdown box allows the user to specify which stream to record. The options are main stream and sub stream.

Step 3: To set your device to automatically overwrite existing data when the microSD card is full, select Overwrite in the Disk Full field. If you would like the device to stop recording when it is full, select Stop. 

Step 4: To reset to default settings, click the Reset Defaults button. To refresh the page, click the Refresh button. To save the settings, click the Save button.

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