The Smart Search menu allows the user to view and access AI events from a centralized location. For more information, please refer to the information provided below.
Viewing Face Detection Events
All face detection data retained by the system can be accessed via the Face Detection option located in the Smart Search menu. Enter a start and end date and time for the event and list any attributes of the event such as Gender, Age, Expressions, etc. that you would like to view in the Smart Search interface and click Search.
A display of all face detection data will be displayed along with facial attributes. Click on the event you would like to view, and a clip of the event will be displayed in the built-in player. Click on the play icon to view the event.
Viewing Face Recognition Events
All face recognition data retained by the system can be accessed via the Face Recognition option located in the Smart Search menu. A search by attributes or a search by picture can be performed. Searching by attributes will load all face recognition data found in the system whereas searching by a picture will filter and display only the faces chosen by the user.
To search by attributes, enter a start and end time of the event in the interface and then click Search.
The interface will display all face recognition data. To view the event, click on the event you would like to view then click the play button in the interface.
To view specific face recognition data by image, click on the Search by Picture tab located in the Face Recognition interface.
If searchable images are already uploaded into a face library click on Face Library and select an image from the interface, then click OK to begin a search. If you would like to add images locally click Local Upload and follow the on-screen prompts to upload images. A USB flash drive with applicable images (in jpeg format) can be used to upload images to the DVR if using the local interface. Once an image has been loaded, enter a start and end time of the event, and click Search.
Viewing IVS Events
Any IVS data retained on the system can be viewed using the IVS Smart Search interface or via the playback menu if an IVS schedule is set in the system.
To view IVS data using the IVS smart search interface, click on the IVS option located in the Smart Search menu. Enter a start and end time of the event and click Search.
A layout of all IVS events captured by the device will be displayed. To view the event, select the event from the interface and click the play button. To filter only specific objects in the smart search menu, select the Event Type from the dropdown menu, select which object filter you would like to view and click Smart Search.
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