How to Change the User Code on the Amcrest Door Lock

A user code is used to unlock the door. The default user code is 1234. The lock can store up to 50 codes and should have a unique user code (01 by default). The default user code will be invalid after a new user code has been set. To change an existing user code, the user code must be deleted, and then add the user code back into the smart lock.

How to Delete a User Code 

Step 1: Touch the screen to activate the lock and enter the admin code. If you have forgotten your admin code and would like more information on how to change it, click here.
Step 2: Tap mceclip1.png > 2 >mceclip1.png , enter the user ID (within 01-50) you want to delete, and tap.
Step 3: Enter the user ID again and tapmceclip1.png. The buzzer will beep and the indicator light will flash green indicating the code has been deleted successfully.

Note: If you would like to delete all user IDs on the lock tap mceclip1.png> 3 >mceclip1.png, enter the admin code again and tapmceclip1.png. The buzzer will beep and the indicator light will flash green indicating all codes have been deleted. 

How to Add a User Code

Step 1: Touch the screen to activate the lock and enter the admin code.
Step 2: Tap mceclip1.png> 1 >mceclip1.png, enter the user ID (within 01-50), and tapmceclip1.png.
Step 3: Enter the new code with 4-8 digits and tapmceclip1.png.
Step 4: Enter the new code again and tapmceclip1.png. The buzzer will beep and the indicator light will flash green, which indicates the code has been entered successfully.

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