How to Switch from an Ethernet Only Setup to a Wi-Fi Setup

If you are connected to the Amcrest Smart Home app using the Ethernet only setup method and would like to switch to a Wi-Fi-only connection, please refer to the information provided below. 

Note: Do not disconnect the Ethernet cable until the Wi-Fi setup is complete. 

Step 1: Log into your Amcrest Smart Home account and select your device from the Device List. 

Step 2: Tap the settings icon. 


Step 3: Tap on Wi-Fi Settings.


Step 4: Select your Wi-Fi network from the network list and input the Wi-Fi password for your network into the interface. Tap the save icon.


Note: If the device is registering as offline, the device may need to be set up again using the Wi-Fi setup method. To do this, select the offline device from the Devices menu and tap on the ( mceclip2.png ) settings icon. Tap Delete Device to remove the device from your account and perform a Factory Reset

Tap Add Device, and select the Wi-Fi setup option. For more details on Wi-Fi setup, click here.

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