How To Setup Recording Schedules (AI NVR)

A recording schedule is used to allow the device to detect motion, IVS rules, or other recording types only at specified days and times. By default, these features will be set to record 24/7, however for more information on how to configure a recording schedule, please refer to the information provided below.

Log into the NVR directly or using the NVR's web user interface (web UI). For more information on how to access the web UI for your device, click here.

From the Management section, click on Storage

Make sure you are on the SCHEDULE > REC page. This is where you can configure your video recording schedules. To configure a snapshot schedule, click on the Snapshot tab. All video events will be saved and accessible via the playback menu if a hard drive is installed, whereas snapshot events can be emailed.  For more information on how to configure email alerts, click here.

By default, Regular (24/7), MD (Motion Detection) and IVS recording types will be activated for all days as indicated by the different colored bars available in this menu.


To choose a channel (or camera) for which to configure, click the number next to Channel, then select either a single channel or All if you would like the schedule to apply to all channels currently connected to your NVR:


By default, the NVR will have the schedule for each recording type to record 24/7. Also note, that the NVR uses military time from 00:00 to 24:00 hours instead of 12 a.m. to 12 a.m.         

To edit a recording schedule, select a recording option from the colored boxes. Each recording option is color-coded: Green: Regular (24/7 recording), Yellow: MD (Motion Detection), Red: (Alarm), Orange: MD&Alarm (a combination of motion detection and alarm recordings), and IVS. Select which recording type you would like to modify and then use your mouse to adjust the time via the time bar for your specific recording type.


Click the eraser icon to the right of any day if you would like to clear the entire row of blocks.       

To add or remove motion detection blocks to the grid, mark the yellow checkbox next to MD, then click individual cells or click-and-drag for multiple blocks:


To the left of each day, there are small boxes which can be marked to ‘link’ days together. This is useful if you want to save time by instantly making changes to multiple days simultaneously.    

In the below example, Sunday and Monday are linked, so any blocks that are added or removed for Sunday will automatically and immediately reflect the same for Monday and vice versa:      


The same concept applies when configure other recording schedule types such as IVS.

Another way to configure recording schedules is by manually setting time periods. Click the “gear‟ icon to the far right of any day to open the Period page:   


Here, the periods (Periods 1 - 6) will be in displayed in chronological order. You can set either Regular, MD, Alarm, MD&Alarm or IVS, checkboxes. You can also copy the period settings over to other days by checking them individually or checking All. Make sure to click Save when finished. 

Now that you have finished configuring the recording schedules, you may need to copy these settings over to other channels (or cameras). By default, D1 (Channel 1) will be selected unless you immediately selected All in the channel window previously. Please note, you can copy these settings directly over to another channel by clicking Copy. 


In the Copy window, you can select individual channels for any cameras you have added to the NVR or select All:  

Click Save when finished.      

When finished on this screen, click Apply to save your changes.      

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