How to Setup Email Alerts Using Amcrest Smart Home

Email Setup will be dependent on your specific email provider. In this example, we will be using Gmail. For more information on how to setup email alerts using the Amcrest Smart Home app, refer to the information provided below. 

Step 1: Log into your Amcrest Smart Home and tap on your device. 

Step 2: Tap on the settings mceclip0.png icon. 


Step 3: Scroll down to Email Alerts. Tap on Email Alerts


Step 4: In the Email Alerts menu, tap on Email Provider and select your email provider from the drop down down list.

Note: We are using Gmail in this example. 


Other email SMTP server Information provided below:

has the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 465 with SSL encryption and port 587 with TLS encryption. Please note that with Gmail you will need to allow less secure apps to connect in the Gmail account options. 

Allowing Less Secure Apps (Updated)

As of May 30th, 2022, Google will be removing the allow less secure apps option, this means a generated password will need to be entered that will allow email alerts to come through on your account. Before proceeding, please ensure 2 factor authentication is enabled in your account settings. For more information on how to do this, please refer to the information provided below. 

1.) In Gmail, click the account avatar/icon picture located in the upper right of the window.
2.) Now click the blue button that says "Manage Your Google Account"

Once on the account setting page please click "Security"


3) Click on App passwords


4) Enter your email password, and click Next
5) Select an option from the provided drop down menus and select Custom. Enter a name for the authentication and click Generate


6) Google will provide a security password which must be entered into the email password field of the app. mceclip0.png

Microsoft Live & Hotmail have the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 25 with TLS encryption, port 465 with SSL encryption, and 587 with TLS encryption. 

 has the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 465 with SSL encryption, and port 587 with TLS encryption.

 has the SMTP server "" (without quotes) and will use port 465 with SSL encryption, and port 587 with TLS encryption. 
Note: If your email service provider is not included in this list, you can simply Google the following and find the information you need: "*email provider* + SMTP + setup". 

If your email information is not listed above, please use this link for a list of more common SMTP email settings.

For further assistance you may submit a ticket via the button below the comments on this page or you may contact us at:  888-212-7538. 

Note: Anonymous login attempts could be seen as a vulnerability when setting up SMTP in certain situations. Please make sure Login Anonymously has been disabled before proceeding.


Step 5: The SMTP Server information and port number should automatically generated. In the Email field, enter your email address and enter the generated password provided by Google that was previously mentioned into the password field. The email you entered will automatically be added into the Sender field. 


Step 6: Enter the recipient's email address into the Recipients Email menu. Make sure to tap the (+) icon to successfully add the email address into the Recipients Email menu.


Step 7: Tap on the Save icon to save your configuration. Tap on the Email Test button to test the email connection. 


Note: Check you email and make sure the Email Test notification went through properly before proceeding. 

Once your Email information is entered and the Email test has been sent successfully, tap on the back mceclip0.png icon to return to the Device Information menu.

Step 8: In the Device Information menu, scroll up and tap on the Motion Detection menu. 


Step 9: Enable the Email Notifications and the Email Snapshots toggle switches to activate Email snapshots and notification to be sent to your Email address. 


Email alerts have now been properly enabled on your device. Use the back mceclip0.png icon to return to the live view screen. 

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