Blurry, pixelated, or distorted video image with horizontal lines across feed (1080P HD-CVI)

With any CCTV system that uses coaxial cabling as the method to transfer video signal, there can sometimes be a number of issues that affect the output of the video quality on your device. This will appear either on the direct DVR interface, the web interface, or even the smartphone app.  

There are a few ways to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Unplug the power cable from the back panel of your device for fifteen seconds, then reconnect and allow it to boot up. 
  2. For any affected camera(s), disconnect the Siamese coaxial cable (which includes both the BNC video cable, and the power cable) from both ends (on the camera side, and on the DVR side) before reconnecting properly. 

Note: Often times, if the 2 above methods do not work, it is not necessarily the camera that is defective, but the power supply for those cameras. The power supply for any 4-channel or 8-channel system consists of a power adapter and a 4-way or 8-way splitter. Ask support to replace this for you first and foremost because it is often an easy fix. 

Please give us a call at (888)212-7538 and one of our tech support agents would be more than happy to work with you to get your issue resolved or any malfunctioning equipment replaced if it is still under warranty. 

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