How To Setup Active Deterrents (IP8M-T1277EW-AI)

This model comes equipped with active deterrent which can be used to scare away unwanted visitors captured in the area. This includes a white light deterrent, which can flash or remain solid when activated. This option can be enabled or disabled in the motion detection menu in the web user interface ,using a web browser, and are also available for certain AI features such as IVS. For more information on how to setup active deterrents, please refer to the information provided below. 

Step 1: Ensure the camera is connected to the same network as your camera and access it using the camera's IP address. For more information on accessing the web UI for your device, click here.

Step 2: Click on Setup>>Event and setup a detection modes. Motion detection will be enabled by default, however, for more information on how to setup AI features, such as IVS , click here. 

Step 3: In the setup menu, enable the white light option. This will allow the camera to activate the deterrent once an event is detected. Click Save to apply the settings. 

White Light: This checkbox allows the camera to activate the white light LEDs once an event is detected.
Mode: The current mode of the warning light LEDs will be set to flicker only.
Flicker Frequency: The intensity of the white light LED after they are activated. Can be set to high, medium, or low depending on the user’s preference.
Duration: The amount of time the warning LED will flash.
Period: Set a schedule for the deterrent.

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