DDNS stands for dynamic DNS, or more specifically, dynamic Domain Name System. It's a service that maps internet domain names to IP addresses. It's a DDNS service that lets you access your device from anywhere in the world.
Note: Please make sure your device is connected to the internet.
To set up DDNS on your device, you will need to access the web user interface (web UI) for your device on a laptop or PC. For more information on how to access the web UI, click here.
Step 1: To set up DDNS service you will need to port forward the HTTP port on your camera. To modify the HTTP port, go to Setup>>Network>>Connection and enter the updated HTTP port. In this example, we are using 37779. Click Save.
For more on how to port forward your device, click here.
Step 2: After your device is port forwarded, navigate to the web UI and click go to Setup>>Network>>DDNS, and enable DDNS service by clicking on the Type check box.
Ensure that NO-IP DDNS is selected in the provided dropdown menu.
Step 3:Visithttps://www.noip.com/and set up an account with NO-IP. Create a hostname, username, and password and complete the signup process. Please make sure to confirm your email address when activating a new NO-IP account. The Dynamic Update Client (DUC) can be used to manage your hosts and groups within your NO-IP account.
Step 4: Return to the DDNS menu for your Amcrest camera. Enter the Domain Name for your camera into the interface.
This will be the hostname created in your NO-IP account.
Step 5:Enter the username and password for your NO-IP account into the interface and click Save.
Note: The username and password for your NO-IP account can be found in the Account Info tab on your NO-IP dashboard.
To access your camera, open a web browser window and enter the URL for your camera into the browser. The URL will be formatted as follows "http://[domanname].ddns.net:[HTTP port number]". As per the example, the URL will be http://amcrestcamera1.ddns.net:37779.
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