Accessing Amcrest Products Using RTSP

Some applications or viewing tools can use Real Time Streaming Protocol or RTSP to pull a device's stream. This requires a specifically formatted URL. 

IP Cameras: rtsp://[username]:password@IPaddress:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0

DVR: rtsp://[username]:[password]@[IPaddress]:[port]/h264Preview_[channel]_[stream]

NVR: rtsp://[username]:[password]@[IPaddress]:[port]/h264Preview_[channel]_[stream]

RTSP URL Breakdown

The bracketed items are variables that you need to input according to your setup. Explanations of each variable are given below.

rtsp:// - The RTSP protocol 

[username] - username of the device
[password] - password of the device
[IP address] - IP address of the device. If you are not on the same local network, this should be the external IP address of the device's network.
[port] - RTSP port number
[channel] - channel number of the stream                                                                                           

[stream] - main or sub stream (use "main" (01) for main stream and "sub" for substream (0)


IP Cameras: rtsp://admin:12345@

NVR/DVRs: rtsp://admin:12345@

Using VLC Media Player to Access an Amcrest or Zencam Device on RTSP? 

Accessing an Amcrest IP Camera using RTSP on VLC Media Player? Click here.

Accessing an Amcrest Smart Home device using RTSP on VLC Media Player? Click here.

Accessing a Zencam device using RTSP on VLC Media Player? Click here.

Using Blue Iris to Access an Amcrest or Zencam Device on RTSP? 

Accessing an Amcrest IP Camera using RTSP on Blue Iris? Click here.

Access an Amcrest Smart Home device using RTSP on Blue Iris? Click here.

Accessing a Zencam device using RTSP on Blue Iris? Click here.

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