How To Utilize the Motorized Verifocal Lens Feature

How To Utilize the Motorized Verifocal Lens Feature

The motorized lens feature for your camera can be utilized on either the web UI, on a computer, or via the Amcrest View Pro app. For instructions on how to utilized this feature, please refer to the instructions set provided below. 

Web UI Instructions

Step 1: Log into your camera via the web UI on your computer. For more information on how to access the web UI for your camera, click here

Step 2: In the web UI, navigate to Setup>>Camera>>Configuration>>Zoom and Focus


Below is a description of the features listed in this menu:

Zoom: This slider allows the user to zoom the image in and out. Slide the slider to the right to zoom in on an object. Slide the slider left to zoom out.

Speed: Allows the user to set a speed for the zoom feature. This feature ranges from the lowest setting, 1, to a middle setting of 5, to the fastest setting of 20.

Focus: This slider allows the user to focus on objects nearer to the camera or further away. Slide the slider to the right to focus on objects further from the camera. Slide the slider to the left to focus on objects near the camera.

Speed: Allows the user to set a speed for the focus feature of the camera. This feature ranges from the lowest setting, 1, to a middle setting of 5, to the fastest setting of 20.

Auto Focus: Allows the user the ability to automatically zoom and focus the lens on an object. The auto focus will function to provide optimal viewing based on distance and clarity.

To restore the settings in the zoom and focus menu, click on the Restore All button. To refresh the menu screen, click Refresh.

Amcrest View Pro App Instructions

To utilize the verifocal zoom feature in the Amcrest View Pro app, follow the instructions provided below. 

Step 1: Log into the Amcrest View Pro app and locate your motorized lens camera. 

Step 2: Tap on the PTZ menu in the app. The PTZ menu will be the following icon ()

Step 4: In this menu you will notice the following PTZ features:


These features will be used to utilize the motorized verifocal lens features of your camera. 

Step 5: To zoom in and out, tap on the Zoom icon (  ) to access the zoom buttons.

Use the () button to zoom in and use the (  ) to zoom out. 

Step 6: To focus the camera camera's view, tap on the ( ) next to the zoom icon to access the focus buttons.

Use the () button to focus in on an object, and use the (  ) to focus out. 

To increase the screen magnification on the live view screen of the app, use your fingers to manually pinch and zoom the live view screen. 

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